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About Us

Get Hoda Handmade


We started our business because we love all these products and purchased them regularly. Hoda means pure and kindhearted. It is a combination of my name (Hope) and my daughter’s name (Jada), and I wanted our business to have meaning. So, Get Hoda Handmade was born with love in Morrisville, NC.

I am a single parent and Jada is in college, so when I kept procrastinating about starting, COVID-19 came, and Jada had to come home and do virtual learning. I didn’t want her trying to work amid this pandemic, so I was forced to put my thoughts into action. Jada has done the deliveries, errands, and took a web building class. When she goes back to school, she will be our webmaster. I want to teach her entrepreneurship so that she can always have something to fall back on. 

Last year we decided to add premade and custom t-shirts. I have some images that we can print and press. We can help design what you are looking for. Contact us for needs at gethodahandmade@gmail.com  

Thank you for browsing our site. Contact us if you have any questions.